Shandy Hauk
Shandy Hauk grew up in and around Los Angeles. Her bachelor's degree is in theater (acting) and film-making. Part of the reason for the degree choice was that it was possible to do the theater major, at the time, at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) and not take any math classes. After college, her first California teaching credential was in English, then a supplemental credential in math. She taught middle and high school (mostly) for about 5 years before quitting teaching, mortgaging her house, and returning to UCI as a full-time student in math. Finished a PhD in math, then did a post-doc fellowship in mathematics education at Arizona State. Since then she has been a college professor of math and math ed and and a full time researcher in math ed. Her current work is in three areas: helping people who teach math to do it better, helping people who learn math to do it better, and helping people who design policy for math teaching and learning to do it better.