STEM HOUSE (STEM Hands On University School Engagement)
Local elementary classrooms partner with SF State by bringing their students to campus to give them an inspirational college science experience, complete with lab coats and goggles. STEM HOUSE arranges for undergraduate future teachers to spend a semester doing paired teaching with small groups of students in grades 3-5. Lab experiences focus on 2-3 key scientific and engineering practices from the Next Generation Science Standards.
Undergraduate facilitators take a practicum course focusing on building pedagogical content knowledge in science. Our goal is to increase interest and skills in science teaching early in the teacher pathway, as well as giving elementary students an engaging, standards-based science experience.

Enroll in STEM HOUSE (STEM Hands On University School Engagement)
Registration for STEM HOUSE is currently closed for Fall 2023. If you need information for the following semester please contact
STEM HOUSE is a San Francisco State University program that engages our upper-division undergraduate students in bringing hands-on, high-interest science learning to elementary school students. Undergraduates first receive training in both science content and effective teaching techniques. They then work in teams to deliver high impact science experiences in a small group learning environment.
Past Lab Themes and Dates

Session 1: Bees, Butterflies, and Bioengineering
In this four-week session, students will investigate how natural pollinators serve as a critical component of local ecosystems. They will examine the structure and function of flowers and their pollinators and learn about key pollinator species and their role in both biodiversity and agriculture. They will engage in a bioengineering design challenge to develop possible solutions to changes in pollinator populations.
*It is important that registered students attend all four sessions, as each lesson builds on the previous one.

Session 2: Climate, Ecosystems and Engineering
In this four-week session, students will learn about the special features of frogs that make them important indicator species for scientists who study ecosystem health. Students will investigate the properties of membranes and then use this knowledge to engineer a way to keep a wayward frog safe and healthy while being transported back to its natural habitat.
*It is important that registered students attend all four sessions, as each lesson builds on the previous one.
Register your child for STEM HOUSE labs
- For questions contact or
Become a STEM HOUSE Teacher
Engage Elementary Students and Teach Fun Science Lessons!
STEM HOUSE (Hands On Undergraduate Science Education Experience) is a practicum-based course designed both for science majors interested in teaching and for potential teachers from Liberal Studies, Child and Adolescent Development, and other majors who would like to experience teaching science to children. You will have the opportunity to teach small groups of elementary schoolers in a supportive, team-teaching environment over online Zoom calls. This course allows you to investigate children's learning, explore teaching as a career option, and use and develop your science knowledge to improve the educational experience of children from throughout the SF Bay Area.
- Prerequisites: upper division standing
- Undergraduate students are highly encouraged to register, Upper Division Standing Recommended
- Must be an SF State student
- Earn 3 units AND 15+ hours early field experience towards a Credential Program in Multiple Subjects
- Gain experience planning and teaching science lessons directly to children
- Explore teaching as a career option
- Make a positive difference in our community
- Counts toward Education Minor and Elementary Subject Matter Waiver Program
- ALL majors welcomed!

Future K-12 teachers who enroll in STEM HOUSE may be eligible for up to $1500 in scholarship funding through the CSME Teacher Fellowship. Email for information.
How to enroll in STEM HOUSE
Follow these simple steps:
- Register and add the STEM HOUSE course
- Email to confirm your participation
- Check your e-mail on a regular basis for updates
Course Information
EED 655.11 - Hands-on Undergraduate Science Education Experience
Course Number: EED 655
Class Schedule Number: 11534
Units: 3
Course Title: Hands On Undergraduate Science Education Experience
Times and dates:TBD
Instructor: Dr. Stephanie Sisk-Hilton
Course list is available for review.
Questions? Please e-mail