Learning Assistants

What are learning assistants (LAs)?
Learning assistants are undergraduates who are part of a community of inclusive teaching and learning in STEM!
What is the commitment?
- Participate in an active, inclusive learning environment in a section of a STEM
- Attend weekly planning meetings with your LA mentor (the course instructor)
- Participate in pedagogy meetings with other LAs one hour per week, where you learn fundamentals of teaching STEM
What are the benefits of being an LA?
- Earn upper division course credits in the discipline
- Review material from STEM classes you’ve taken in a unique and fun way
- Learn how faculty think about and prepare class activities
- Interact with STEM students who are coming up
Subjects you can be an LA for through CSME:
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Astronomy
- Computer Science
- Math
Previous LAs say:
- "I think it’s just a good program for any science major, just a good experience.”
- “I definitely see my professor as more of a mentor now.”
- “Between being a learning assistant and a student, I think it’s helped ME a lot, just like reading, you know, these teaching methods and stuff, it just helped me see where I am...”
Previous LA mentors say:
- “[LAs] can provide faculty very useful insights on what students are struggling with, both in the classroom and in their everyday lives.”
If you want to participate, either as a LA or LA mentor, please contact the program director, Professor Kim Coble (kcoble@sfsu.edu).
Being an LA is not: a grader, tutor, TA, section instructor, or discussion leader. If you're looking for a paid program, there are many CSME programs to choose from.
To learn more about LA programs around the country, visit the Learning Assistant Alliance.