Kim Seashore (On Sabbatical)
I grew up on the east coast, in Washington, D.C. and Bethel, Maine. From an early age, I knew that I loved math and people, so I decided in 7th grade that I wanted to be a math teacher. I majored in math with a minor in teaching and then moved to California in 1993 to teach at the Urban School of San Francisco. After 5 years teaching at Urban and another year at Gateway High School, I went to work at Lawrence Hall of Science. As staff in ACCESS Mathematics program and co-director of the Bay Area Mathematics Project, I was able to work with a wide range of teachers throughout the Bay Area to enact more activity based and student centered approaches to math teaching grades K-12. In 2005, I came to SF State as a masters student in the math department. My experiences here and at LHS led me to pursue a PhD in mathematics education through the SESAME program at University of California, Berkeley. In 2015, I joined the math department at SF State as an assistant professor, where I teach undergraduate students in both mathand math education courses, and advise masters students in math teaching and mathematics education projects. I also convene a research group, Mathematics Education Research Group for Equity (MERGE), to investigate issues of K-16 mathematics teaching and teacher education.