

Eric Hsu

  • Berkouwer, S., Biscaye, P., Hsu, E., Kim, O., Lee, K., Miguel, E., & Wolfram, C. (2023). Money or Power? Choosing Covid-19 aid in Kenya. Energy Economics, 127, 107036.
  • Hsu, E. (2022). Essays on Regulating Goods and Service Quality (Doctoral dissertation, UC Berkeley).
  • Berkouwer, S. B., Biscaye, P. E., Hsu, E., Kim, O. W., Lee, K., Miguel, E., & Wolfram, C. (2021). Money or power? Financial infrastructure and optimal policy (No. w29086). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Wolfram, C., Miguel, E., Hsu, E., & Berkouwer, S. B. (2023). Donor contracting conditions and public procurement: Causal evidence from Kenyan electrification (No. w30948). National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Fernald, J. G., Hsu, E., & Spiegel, M. M. (2021). Reprint: Is China fudging its GDP figures? Evidence from trading partner data. Journal of International Money and Finance, 114, 102406.
  • Hsu, E., Forougi, N., Gan, M., Muchiri, E., Pope, D., & Puzzolo, E. (2021). Microfinance for clean cooking: What lessons can be learned for scaling up LPG adoption in Kenya through managed loans?. Energy policy, 154, 112263.
  • Eroy-Reveles, A., Hsu, E., Peterfreund, A., Rath, K., Bayliss, F. (2019). History and Evolution of STEM Supplemental Instruction at San Francisco State University, a Large, Urban, Minority-Serving Institution. In Wilson-Kennedy, Z., Byrd, G., Kennedy, E., Frierson, H. (Eds.), Broadening Participation in STEM (Diversity in Higher Education, Volume 22), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.209 - 235.
  • Yoon, I., Lyons, J., Horvath, L., Yue, H., Twarek, B., Remold, J., Hsu, E. (2018). SFSU INCLUDES on SF CALL (San Francisco Computing for All Levels and Learners). Proceedings of 2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference.
  • Hauk,S ., Speer;, N. M., Kung, D., Tsay, J.J., & Hsu, E. (2016). Video cases for college mathematics instructor professional development.
  • Hauk, S., Hsu, E.,  & Speer, N. (2016). What would the research look like? Knowledge for teaching mathematics capstone courses for future secondary teachers. Proceedings of 19th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Pittsburgh, PA. 
  • Hsu, E., & Bressoud, D. (2015). Placement and Student Performance in Calculus I. In Bressoud, D., Mesa, V., Rasmussen, C. (Eds.), Insights and Recommendations from the MAA National Study of College Calculus (pp. 59--67). Washington, D.C.: Mathematical Association of America.
  • Hsu, E., Mesa, V., & The Calculus Case Collective. (2015). Synthesizing Measures of Institutional Success: CSPCC-Technical Report #1. Washington DC: Mathematical Association of America. 
  • Raychaudhuri, D. & Hsu, E. (2012). A Longitudinal Study of Mathematics Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Beliefs about the Nature of Mathematics and their Pedagogical Approaches toward Teaching Mathematics. In (Eds.) S. Brown, S. Larsen, K. Marrongelle, and M. Oehrtman, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 2012, Portland, Oregon. 
  • Hsu, E., Kysh, J., Ramage, K., & Resek, D. (2012). Changing Teachers’ Conception of MathematicsNCSM Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership. Spring 2012.
  • Hsu, E., Kysh, J., Ramage, K., & Resek, D. (2009). Helping Teachers Un-structure: A Promising ApproachThe Montana Math Enthusiast, 6 (3).
  • Hsu, E., Iwasaki, K., Kysh, J., Ramage, K., & Resek, D. (2009). Three REAL Lessons About Mentoring. In G. Zimmermann, L. Fulmore, P. Guinee, & E. Murray (Eds.), Empowering Mentors of Experienced Mathematics Teachers. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Print ISBN: 978-0-87353-836-7
  • Hsu, E., Murphy, T. J., & Treisman, U. (2008). Supporting High Achievement In Introductory Mathematics Courses: What We Have Learned From 30 Years of the Emerging Scholars Program. In M. Carlson, & C. Rasmussen (Eds.), Making the Connection: Research and Teaching in Undergraduate Mathematics. Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America. Print ISBN: 978-0-88385-183-8. 
  • Hsu, E., Kysh, J., Ramage, K., & Resek, D. (2007). Seeking Big Ideas in Algebra: The Evolution of a TaskJournal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 10(4--6), 325--332. DOI 10.1007/s10857-007-9055-7
  • Hsu, E., Kysh, J., and Resek, D. (2007). Using Rich Problems for Differentiated InstructionNew England Mathematics Journal, 39, 6--13.
  • Computing; Research Association. (2005). Cyberinfrastructure for Education and Learning for the Future. Washington, DC: Computing Research Association.
  • Gutmann, T., Hsu, E., Marrongelle, K., Murphy, T., Speer, N., Star, J., et al. (2004). Mathematics Teaching Assistant Preparation And Development Research. In D. E. Mcdougall and J. A. Ross (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Joint Meeting with Psychology of Mathematics Education. Toronto, Ontario.
  • Hsu, E., and Contini, V. (2004). Student Use (and Misuse) of Graphs and Rates of Change in Economics. In D. E. Mcdougall and J. A. Ross (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Joint Meeting with Psychology of Mathematics Education. Toronto, Ontario.
  • Hsu, E. (2004). Re-considering On-line and Live Communities of Practice. In Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 15th International Conference.
  • Hsu, E., and Moore, M. (2003). Online Teacher Communities: Measuring Engagement, Responsiveness and Refinement. In N. A. Pateman, B. J. Dougherty and J. T. Zilliox (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Joint Meeting with Psychology of Mathematics Education. Manoa, HI.
  • Carlson, M., Jacobs, S., Coe, T., Larsen, S., and Hsu, E. (2003). “Applying Covariational Reasoning While Modeling Dynamic Events: A Framework and a Study (translation)”. Revista EMA, 8(2), 352--378.
  • Carlson, M., Jacobs, S., Coe, T., Larsen, S. and Hsu, E. (2002) “Applying Covariational Reasoning While Modeling Dynamic Events: A Framework and a Study”. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. Vol. 33, No. 5, 352—378.
  • Hsu;, E. (2002). “Pictures of Calculus Knowledge Networks: Data and Software”. In Mewborn, D.S., Sztajn, P., White, D.Y., Wiegal, H.G., Bryant, R.L. and Nooney, K. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vols. 1-4). p. 1063—1064. Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education. SE 066 8888.
  • Hsu, E. (2001). “On-line Math Teacher Conversations: Graphical, Statistical and Semantic Analysis”. In R. Speiser and C. A. Maher and C. N. Walter (Eds.), Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 673). Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education. SE 065 164.
  • Hsu, E. (2000) “Developing A Virtual Community Of Teachers: The Effects Of Live Contact And On-Line Conversational Dynamics”, Proceedings of the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Fernandez, M. L. (Ed.). (2000). Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education. SE 064 088. p.702.
  • Hsu, E. and Oehrtman, M. (2000) “Mixed Metaphors: Undergraduates Do Calculus Out Loud”, Proceedings of the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Fernandez, M. L. (Ed.). (2000). Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education. SE 064 088. p.101.

Larry Horvath

  • Bakerman, M., Buxner, S., Horvath, L., Lemmer, B., Yisak, M., & Nelson, J. (2022, December). Results of an Impact Evaluation of Modeling in the Classroom During COVID 19. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. ED15F-0383).
  • Buxner, S., Vokos, S., Keller, J., Good, C., Donnelly-Hermosillo, D., Horvath, L., ... & Pardo, M. (2022). Impacts of the STEM Teacher and Researcher (STAR) Program on Teachers, Students, and Classrooms. In Research In Practice: Preparing and Retaining K–12 STEM Teachers in High-Need School Districts (pp. 201-235). American Association for the Advancement of Science.
  • Bakerman, M., Buxner, S., Horvath, L., Vokos, S., Yisak, M., Lemmer, B., ... & Beekman, M. (2021, December). Outcomes for Science and Math Teachers Who have Participated in NSF-Funded Intensive Summer Research Internships or Modeling Institutes. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2021, pp. ED12C-04).
  • Bakerman, M., Buxner, S., Horvath, L., Nelson, J., Yisak, M., & Lemmer, B. (2020, December). Supporting Student Engagement in Science and Math Practices through Noyce Professional Development and Support. In AGU Fall Meeting 2020. AGU.
  • Krim, J.S., Coté, L.E., Schwartz, R.S., Stone, E.M., Cleeves, J.J., Barry, K.J., Burgess, W., Buxner, S.R., Gerton, J.M., Horvath, L. and Keller, J.M., Lee, SC., and Rebar, B. (2019). Models and impacts of science research experiences: A review of the literature of CUREs, UREs, and TREs. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 18(4), p.65.
  • Yoon, I., Lyons J., Horvath, L., Yue, H., Twarek, B., Remold, J., & Hsu, E., (2018). SFSU Includes on SF CALL (Computing for All Levels and Learners. CoNECD – The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference.
  • Horvath, L. & Brownstein, E. (2016). Next Generation Science Standards and edTPA: Evidence of Science and Engineering Practices. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 20(4).
  • Horvath, L. & Marshall, J. (2014, September 7). The Natural Sciences: Understanding the Natural World. Chapter in Marshall, J. & Donahue, D., Art-Centered Learning Across the Curriculum: Integrating Contemporary Art in the Secondary School Classroom. Teacher’s College Press.
  • Grants
  • Aligning the Science Teacher Education Pathway (A-STEP), Horvath, L. subaward PI. $107,000 from Korb, M., Aligning the Science Teacher Education Pathway. A Networked Improvement Community, $3,577,306.00. National Science Foundation. 
  • Western Regional Noyce Alliance Horvath L, PI; Seashore, K., Hoellwarth, C., Hsu E., Ross, D., and Keller, J. Co-PIs (2018-2022). Robert Noyce Scholarship Program, $3,299,995, National Science Foundation.
  • Collaborative Research: A Study of the Impact of Pre-Service Teacher Research Experience on Effectiveness, Persistence, and Retention (2017-2022). Horvath L. PI Noyce Track 4 Grant with Cal Poly SLO Prime, Fresno State, and Sacramento State. $60,000 subaward. National Science Foundation.
  • San Francisco State Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program (2011-2017). Horvath L. PI; Hsu E., M Cool A., co-PIs. Noyce Track 1 $1,200,000. National Science Foundation.
  • Western Region Noyce Initiative (2013-2014), Horvath, L. subaward PI for planning and hosting Western Regional Noyce Conference in San Francisco, Fall 2014. $51,000. National Science Foundation.

Tendai Chitewere

  • Pickerill, J., Chitewere, T., Cornea, N., Lockyer, J., Macrorie, R., Blažek, J. M., & Nelson, A. (2024). URBAN ECOLOGICAL FUTURES: Five Eco‐Community Strategies for more Sustainable and Equitable Cities. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 48(1), 161-176.
  • Chitewere, T., Cornea, N. L., Lockyer, J., & Macrorie, R. (2023). Urban Ecological Futures.
  • Juang, L. P., Chitewere, T., Wojciechowicz, I. A., Kayser, D. N., & Vock, M. (2020). Teachers of migrant background and inclusive education. Lehrer/iInnenbildung im Kontext aktueller Fluchtmigration. Perspektiven, Impulse und Erkundigungen. Weinheim, Germany: Beltz Juventa Verlag, 58-70.
  • Chitewere, T. 2018. Sustainable Community and Green Lifestyles. Routledge Press. Chitewere, T., J.K. Shim, J.C. Barker, and I.H. Yen. 2017. How Neighborhoods Influence Health: Lessons to be learned from the application of political ecology. Health & Place 45. Pg. 117-123.
  • Chitewere, T. 2015. Ecovillages: Lessons for Sustainable Community. In: Environmental Magazine 57(2). Pg. 38-39.
  • Augsburg, T. and Chitewere, T. 2013. Starting with World Views: A Five-Step Preparatory Approach to Integrative Interdisciplinary Learning. Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies. 31:174-191.
  • Chitewere, T. 2012. Between a Rock and a Green Place: Exploring the relationship between green consumerism and social justice: In S.H. Emerman, M. Bjørnerud, S.A. Levy, and J.S. Schneiderman (eds.), Liberation Science: Putting science to work for environmental justice. Lulu Press.
  • Roberts, N.S. and Chitewere, T. 2011. Speaking of Justice: Exploring ethnic minority perspectives of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Environmental Practice 13(4). Pg. 1-16.
  • Chitewere, T. 2010. Equity in Sustainable Communities: Exploring tools from environmental justice and political ecology. Natural Resources Journal 50(2). Pg. 315-339.
  • Chitewere, T. and Taylor, D. E. 2010. Sustainable Living and Community Building in EcoVillage at Ithaca: The challenges of incorporating social justice concerns into the practices of an ecological cohousing community. Research in Social Problems and Public Policy 18. Pg. 141-176.
  • Chitewere, T. 2008. Green Technology and the Design of a Green Lifestyle. Humanities and Technology Review 27. Pg. 87-106.

Jamie Chan 

  • Chan. J.M., Tanner, K.D.Understanding the Nature of Science: Science Views From the Seventh Grade Classroom. (2006). pdf

Shandy Hauk

  • Hauk, S., & Kaser, J. (2024). Is an Equity Audit in Your Future?. Transformational Leadership for Rapid School Improvement, 36.
  • Hauk, S., & Speer, N. (2024, September). Decentering and Interconnecting as Key Practices for Change Agency Leadership in Teaching focused Professional Development for College Mathematics Instructors. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
  • Yee, S. P., Hauk, S., Gonzalez, T. L., & Wang, J. (2023). College mathematics instructor professional development providers: Who are they?. School Science and Mathematics, 123(2).
  • Hauk, S., & Speer, N. (2023, January). Decentering and interconnecting as professional skills in the preparation of new college mathematics instructors. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Vol. 25).
  • Hauk, S., St John, K., & Jones, M. (2022). Instructional Readiness for Change in a Geoscience Learning Ecosystem. Authorea Preprints.
  • Dreyfus, T., Eisenberg, T., Hauk, S., & Savić, M. (2022). In honor of John Selden: A Guest Editorial by Tommy Dreyfus, Ted Eisenberg, Shandy Hauk and Miloš Savić. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 8(1), 1-7.
  • Stein, B., Håkansson, S. W., Bohlin, C. F., Chaidez, V., Segalla, A., Hauk, S., & Davis, M. K. (2022). By Inches and Yards. Journal of the California Mathematics Project, 11, 1-5.
  • Hauk, S., Strutchens, M., White, D. Y., Bay-Williams, J., Tsay, J. J., & Jackson, B. (2022). Justice and the Mathematics Classroom: Realizing the Goals of the AMTE Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics.
  • Hauk, S., & Hsu, P. S. (2022). Undergraduate and Instructor Perspectives on Learning in First-Year Mathematics Courses in the United States: A Case Study in Calculus. La Matematica, 1(3), 583-617.
  • Hauk, S., Toney, A. F., Brown, A., & Salguero, K. (2021). Activities for enacting equity in mathematics education research. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 7, 61-76.
  • Hauk, S., St John, K., & Jones, M. (2021). Profiles of readiness: Using a blended framework to explore what it takes for faculty to be ready to change instructional practice. Journal of Geoscience Education, 69(3), 281-299.
  • Hauk, S., St. John, K., & Jones, M. (to appear). What does it take for faculty to be ready to change instructional practice? Journal of Geoscience Education.
  • Hauk, S., Toney, A. F., Judd, A. B., & Salguero, K. (2020). Activities for enacting equity in mathematics education research. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
  • Hauk, S., & Kaser, J. (2020). A search to capture and report on feasibility of implementation. American Journal of Evaluation 41(1), 145-155.
  • Jackson, B., Hauk, S., Tsay, J-J., & Ramirez, A. (2020). Professional development for mathematics teacher education faculty: Need and design. The Mathematics Enthusiast 17(2), Article 8.
  • Hauk, S. & Speer, N. (2020). Grading and Assessment Module for the Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Inquiry Based Learning (JEDIBL) College Mathematics Workshops. Invited, peer-reviewed professional learning activity [n>200 participants]. Houston, TX: Academy of Inquiry Based Learning.
  • Hauk, S. (2019). Understanding students’ perspectives: Mathematical autobiographies of undergraduates who are future K-8 teachers. In S. Hauk, B. Jackson, & J. J. Tsay (Eds.) Professional Resources & Inquiry in Mathematics Education (PRIMED) Short-Course. San Francisco, CA: WestEd.
  • Hauk, S., & D’Silva, K. (2018). Goals, resources, and orientations for equity in collegiate mathematics education research [Conference Long Paper]. In A. Weinberg, C. Rasmussen, J. Rabin, M. Wawro, and S. Brown (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (pp. 227-241). San Diego, California. Hauk, S., & Matlen, B., (2018). Implementation and impact of a web-based activity and testing system in community college algebra. In A. Weinberg, C. Rasmussen, J. Rabin, M. Wawro, and S. Brown (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (pp. 908-916). San Diego, California.
  • Hauk, S., & Matlen, B. (2018). Implementation and Impact of a Web-Based Activity and Testing System in Community College Algebra. Grantee Submission.
  • Hauk, S. (2018). One Last Circle. Journal of the California Mathematics Project, 9, 11-24.
  • Hauk, S. (2018). What is MACIMISE?. Journal of the California Mathematics Project, 9, 1-10.
  • Hauk, S., Rasmussen, C., Engelke Infante, N., Lockwood, E., Zandieh, M., Brown, S., Lai, Y., & Hsu, P. (2018). Research in collegiate mathematics education. In A. Deines, et al. (Eds). Advances in the mathematical sciences (pp. 245-268). New York: Springer.
  • Hauk, S., Matlen, B., & Ramirez, A. B. (2018). Recruiting and Data Sharing in a Study of Flipped College Calculus. Grantee Submission.
  • Hauk, S. (2017). Research in collegiate mathematics education arrives at the AWM Symposium. Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Newsletter, 47(4), 27-29.
  • Hauk, S., Weinberg, A., & Murphy, T. J. (2017). Making RUME for improving mathematics teaching and learning. MAA Focus, 37(6), pp. 12-14.
  • Hauk, S., Jackson, B., & Tsay, J-J. (2017). Those who teach the teachers: Knowledge growth in teaching for mathematics teacher educators [Conference Long Paper]. In A. Weinberg, C. Rasmussen, J. Rabin, M. Wawro, and S. Brown (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (pp. 428-439).
  • Hauk, S. & Mandinach, E. B. (2017). Exploration of the alignment of state data and infrastructure to mathematics and science success indicators. American Educational Research Association Online Paper Repository. ERIC Number: ED577449.
  • Hauk, S., & Matlen, B. (2017). Exploration of the factors that support learning: Web-based activity and testing systems in community college algebra [Conference Long Paper]. In A. Weinberg (Ed.), Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (pp. 360-372). Online, peer-reviewed. ERIC Number: ED583986.
  • Kaser, J., & Hauk, S. (2017). An Equity Audit: Is It in Your Future? Leadership for Educational Achievement (LEAF) Subscription for Professional Learning 4(1), 1-5.
  • Hauk, S., & Toney, A. (2016). Communication, culture, and work in mathematics education in departments of mathematical sciences. In J. Dewar, P. Hsu and H. Pollatsek (Eds.), Mathematics Education: A Spectrum of Work in Mathematical Sciences Departments (pp. 11-26). New York: Springer.
  • Kaser, J., & Hauk, S. (2016). To be or not to be an online instructor? MathAMATYC Educator 7(3), 41–47. ERIC Number: ED567767.
  • Hauk, S., Salguero, K., Kaser, J. (2016). How “good” is “good enough”? Exploring fidelity of implementation for a web-based activity and testing system in developmental algebra instruction. In T. Fukawa-Connelly, N. Infante, M. Wawro, and S. Brown (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (pp. 210-217). ERIC Number: ED567765.
  • Schneider, S. A., et al. (2016). Exploring models of online professional development. In C. Dede, A. Eisenkraft, K. Frumin, and A. Hartley (Eds.). Teacher learning in the digital age: Online professional development in STEM education (Chapter 12). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press. ERIC Number: ED568767.
  • Hauk, S., Toney, A. F., Nair, R., Yestness, N. R., Troudt, M. (2015). Discourse in pedagogical content knowledge [Long Paper]. In T. Fukakawa-Connelly (Ed.), Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
  • Deshler, J. M., Hauk, S., & Speer, N. M. (2015). Professional development in teaching for mathematics graduate students. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 62(6), 638-643.
  • Hauk, S., Cremer, S., Carroll, C., D’Silva, K. M., Gale, M., Salguero, K., & Viviani, K. (2015) Connecting concepts in color: Patterns and algebra. Journal of the California Mathematics Project, 7, 15-20.
  • Hauk, S., Powers, R. A., & Segalla, A. (2015). A comparison of web-based and paper-and-pencil homework on student performance in college algebra. PRIMUS 25(1), 61-79.
  • Hauk, S., Toney, A. F., Jackson, B., Nair, R., & Tsay, J.-J. (2014). Developing a model of pedagogical content knowledge for secondary and post-secondary mathematics instruction. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal, 2, A16–40. Available:
  • Hauk, S., Speer, N. M., Kung, D., Tsay, J.-J. & Hsu, E. (Eds.) (2013). Video cases for college mathematics instructor professional development.
  • Powers, R., Hauk, S., & Goss, M. (2013). Identifying change in secondary mathematics teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. In S. Brown (Ed.), Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Denver, CO).
  • Toney, A. F., Slaten, K. M., Peters, E. F., & Hauk, S. (2013). Color work to enhance proof-writing in college geometry. Journal of the California Mathematics Project, 6, 9-20.
  • Hauk, S., Chamberlin, M. C., Jackson, B., Yestness, N., King, K., & Raish, R. (2012). Interculturally rich mathematics pedagogical content knowledge for teacher leaders (long paper). In S. Brown (Ed.), Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (Portland, OR).
  • Hauk, S. (2012). Understanding students’ perspectives: Mathematical autobiographies of under-graduates who are not math majors. Journal of the California Mathematics Project, 5, 36-48.
  • Tsay, J.-J., Judd, A. B., Hauk, S., & Davis, M. K. (2011). Case study of a college mathematics instructor: Patterns of classroom discourse. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 78, 205-229.
  • Davis, M. K., Hauk, S., & Latiolais, P. (2010). Culturally responsive college mathematics. In B. Greer, S. Nelson-Barber, A. Powell, & S. Mukhopadhyay (Eds.), Culturally responsive mathematics education (pp. 345–372). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Hauk, S., & Segalla, A. (2010). WeBWorK- Part II: Perceptions and success in college algebra. Journal of the Central California Mathematics Project, 3(1), 23-34.
  • Segalla, A., & Hauk, S. (2010). High school mathematics homework and WeBWorK. Journal of the Central California Mathematics Project, 2(1), 8-14.
  • Hauk, S., Chamberlin, M., Cribari, R., Judd, A. B., Deon, R., Tisi, A., & Kakakhail, H. (2009). Case story: Mathematics teaching assistant. Studies in Graduate and Professional Student Development, 12, 39-62.
  • Hauk, S. & Isom, M. A. (2009). Fostering college students' autonomy in written mathematical justification. Investigations in Mathematics Learning 2(1), 49-70.
  • Hauk, S., Judd, A. B., Tsay, J-J., Barzilai, H., & Austin, H. (2008). Pre-service teachers’ understanding of logical inference. Investigations in Mathematics Learning 1(2), 1-34. Hauk
  • Segalla, A., & Hauk, S. (2008). Using WeBWorK in an online course environment. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 1, 128-144.
  • Tsay, J.-J., & Hauk, S. (2006). Multiplication schema for signed number: Case study of three prospective teachers. Mathematical Sciences and Mathematics Education, 1(1), 33-37.
  • Farmer, J., Hauk, S., & Neumann, A. M. (2005). Negotiating reform: Implementing Process Standards in culturally responsive professional development. High School Journal, 88, 59-71.
  • Hauk, S. (2005). Mathematical autobiography among college learners in the United States. Adults Learning Mathematics International Journal 1(1), 36-56.
  • Hauk, S., & Segalla, A. (2005). Student perceptions of the web-based homework program WeBWorK in moderate enrollment college algebra courses. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 24(3), 229-253. Selden, A.,
  • Selden, J., Hauk, S., & Mason, A. (2000). Why can't calculus students access their knowledge to solve non-routine problems? In E. Dubinsky, A. H. Schoenfeld, & J. Kaput (Eds.) Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education. IV (pp. 128-153). Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society.

Isabel Quita

  • Quita, Isabel. (Fall 2003). What is a Scientist? Perspectives of Teachers of Color. Multicultural Education, vol. II, Number 1.
  • Quita, Isabel N. (February 2002). Interpreting A Filipino Elementary Student's Ideas Of Force And Motion: A Case Study. Journal of Interdisciplinary Education, North America Chapter, volume 5. World Council for Curriculum and Instruction.
  • Quita, Maria Isabel. (Summer 2000). The Challenges in Elementary Science Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century. In College of Education: Review, San Francisco State University, vol. 12.

Kim Seashore 

  • Cunningham, E. P., Seashore, K. H., & Eaton, K. E. (2022). Graphs about us: Building classroom community through mathematics. PRIMUS, 32(7), 812-826.
  • Seashore, Kimberly. (2021). Growth series of root lattices.
  • Seashore, Kimberly & Beck, Matthias & Ardila, Federico. (2021). Using Polytopes to Derive Growth Series for Classical Root Lattices.
  • Seashore, K. H. (2015). Learning through the use of instructional materials: Secondary mathematics teachers’ enactment of formative assessment lessons (Doctoral dissertation, UC Berkeley).
  • Ardila, Federico, Matthias Beck, Serkan Hoşten, Julian Pfeifle, and Kim Seashore. "Root polytopes and growth series of root lattices." SIAM journal on discrete mathematics 25, no. 1 (2011): 360-378.
  • Wernet, Jamie & Lepak, Jerilynn & Seashore, Kimberly & Nix, Sarah & Reinholz, Daniel & Floden, Robert. (2011). Assessing What Counts.

Stephanie Sisk-Hilton

  • Sisk-Hilton, S. (2023). Teaching Climate Science in the Elementary Classroom: A Place-Based, Hope-Filled Approach to Understanding Earth’s Systems. Taylor & Francis.
  • Sisk-Hilton, S., & Ferner, S. D. (2022). Engineering the Coast. Science and Children, 59(4), 26-31.
  • Meier, D., and Sisk-Hilton, S., eds. (2020). Nature education with young children: Integrating inquiry and practice 2nd ed. New York: Routledge.
  • Metz, K. E., Cardace, A., Berson, E., Ly, U., Wong, N., Sisk-Hilton, S., Metz, S. E. & Wilson, M. (2019). Primary Grade Children’s Capacity to Understand Microevolution: The Power of Leveraging Their Fruitful Intuitions and Engagement in Scientific Practices. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 1-60.
  • Sisk-Hilton, S., K.E. Metz, & E. Berson (2018). Jumping into natural selection: Using thought experiments and first hand investigation of crickets to construct explanations of natural selection. Science and Children, 55(6), 29-35.
  • Sisk-Hilton, S. and Meier, D. (2017). Narrative inquiry in early childhood and elementary school: Learning to teach, teaching well.
  • Meier, D., & Sisk-Hilton, S. (2017). Nature and environmental education in early childhood. The New Educator, 13(3), 191-194.
  • Sisk-Hilton, S. (2015). Teaching and learning in public: Professional development through shared inquiry. Teachers College Press.
  • Meier, D., & Sisk-Hilton, S. (2013). Nature education with young children. New York: Routledge.
  • Sisk-Hilton, S. (2009). Teaching and Learning In Public: Professional Development Through Shared Inquiry. Teachers College Press, New York, NY.

Ilmi Yoon

  • Ilmi Yoon, Julio C. Ramirez, Sushil Kumar Plassar*, Ting Yin*, Vipul KaranjKar*, Joseph G. Lee*, Carmen Domingo, "Deep Transfer Learning based Web Interfaces for Biology Image Data Classification”, To appear in Proceeding of the Intelligent Systems Conference, 3-4 September 2020 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Beste F. Yuksel, Pooyan Fazli, Umang Mathur*, Vaishali Bisht*, Soo Jung Kim*, Joshua Junhee Lee*, Seung Jung Jin*, Yue-Ting Siu, Joshua A Miele, Ilmi Yoon, “Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning to Increase Video Accessibility for Visually Impaired and Blind Users” accepted to present at ACM DIS 2020.
  • Beste F. Yuksel, Pooyan Fazli, Umang Mathur*, Vaishali Bisht*, Soo Jung Kim*, Joshua Junhee Lee*, Seung Jung Jin*, Yue-Ting Siu, Joshua A Miele, Ilmi Yoon, “Increasing Video Accessibility for Visually Impaired Users with Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning”, ACM CHI Extended Abstracts 2020 In Press
  • Ilmi Yoon, Umang Mathur*, Brenna Gibson Tirumalashetty*, Pooyan Fazli, Joshua Miele, "Video Accessibility for the Visually Impaired", In Proceedings of the Workshop on AI for Social Good at the International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML, Long Beach, CA, USA, 2019.
  • Anagha Kulkarni, Ilmi Yoon, Pleuni Pennings, Kaz Okada, Carmen Domingo, “Promoting Diversity in Computing”, In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Larnaca, Cyprus, 2018.

Hao Yue

  • Dian Shi, Jiahao Ding, Sai Mounika Errapotu, Hao Yue, Wenjun Xu, Xiangwei Zhou, and Miao Pan, “Deep Q-Network Based Route Scheduling for TNC Vehicles with Passengers’ Location Differential Privacy,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOTJ), vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 7681-7692, October 2019.
  • Shaohua Li, Kaiping Xue, David Wei, Hao Yue, Nenghai Yu and Peilin Hong, “SecGrid: A Secure and Efficient SGX-enabled Smart Grid System with Rich Functionalities,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), vol. 15, pp. 1318-1330, September 2019.
  • Kaiping Xue, Peixuan He, Xiang Zhang, Qiudong Xia, David Wei, Hao Yue, and Feng Wu, “A Secure, Efficient and Accountable Edge-based Access Control Framework for Information Centric Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 1220-1233, June 2019.
  • Charles Tuttle*, Savankumar Patel*, and Hao Yue, “Malicious Message Detection on Twitter via Dissemination Paths”, The IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2020), Big Island, HI, February 17-20, 2020.
  • Liang Li, Ronghui Hou, Xinyue Zhang, Hao Yue, Hui Li, and Miao Pan, “Participant Recruitment for Coverage-Aware Mobile Crowdsensing with Location Differential Privacy”, The IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2019), Waikoloa, HI, December 9-13, 2019.

Maria Zavala 

  • Latina/o Youth's Perspectives on Race, Language, and Learning Mathematics. Maria del Rosario Zavala (2014).Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, vol 7 no 1 
  • Developing Robust Forms of Pre-Service Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge through Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching Analysis. Julia M. Aguirre, Maria del Rosario Zavala & Tiffany Katanyoutanant (2012), Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, v14, Special Issue on Pedagogical Content Knowledge.
  • Making Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching Explicit: A Lesson Analysis Tool. Julia M. Aguirre & Maria del Rosario Zavala (2012), Pedagogies, v8 issue2. And read our chapter in Rethinking Mathematics, 2nd Edition.

Kim Coble